How to Market a Book – Book Review

How To Market A BookHow To Market A Book by J.F. Penn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Joanna Penn’s book on book marketing is full of helpful information. She doesn’t promise quick fixes and miracle marketing tactics that will help you “sell 100,000 books in a month.” She’s not interested in lying to you, which is what I appreciate about her.

That said, she does give advice for multiple avenues of book marketing, depending mainly on what kind of marketing styles you would be comfortable with. This will be a great reference book for me when I finally finish/edit/edit/and-edit my first novel. I’ll come back to it again and again when I wash/rinse/repeat for my second, third, and fourth.

No writer writes so that no one will read their work. I highly recommend Joanna’s book, website, and youTube channel if your interested in publishing, self-publishing, and generally getting your work out there and read by actual people! Wouldn’t that be great?

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