I’m now on Patreon

I love making these old-school-style games that many people are nostalgic for, but it takes a lot of work! But that doesn’t bother me, because for me it’s fun and actually a nice relaxing break from “real life.”

That being said, I have lots of ideas for more games in the future! After Betrayed Alliance Book 2 I want to take a short break from finishing that series to make a shorter Adventure Game called “A Night at Snake’s Tail Tavern” which I want to be a bit of a mix of Colonel’s Bequest and Leisure Suit Larry. I know, an odd mix, but I’m loving the ideas I have for it so far.

I also would really like to eventually try my hand at a “Space” style game, but that would be after finished Betrayed Alliance Book 3 and closing the chapter on that series.

Future plans are nice, of course, but all of this takes a ton of time and effort for a guy with a full-time teaching gig and 3 small kids.

Bottom line, if seeing games like these being made is something you like, I’d love your support! Thanks!
