Betrayed Alliance Book 2 Check-in

It’s a small update!

I wanted to give you a quick update detailing some of the work on Betrayed Alliance lately, and that I plan on releasing a demo soon (fingers crossed before year’s end)

So what’ve I been up to?

  • The introduction cutscene is “basically finished.” Essential animations and dialog is now finished, with only some extra touches still to be done. The music for that section is also in the works. But here is a sneak peek (listen?) of the music
  • The puzzles for the demo are now up and running and playable, with puzzle points built in.
  • The coding and implementation of the death tracker is now fully complete, and there are about 11 deaths possible to “collect” in the demo
  • More animations and text is being added every day. It’s now at the point where trying to count the lines of text is far too cumbersome a task.

While there are two or three fairly major things to put into the game/demo before I would consider releasing it into the wild, there are tons of small bugs/inconsistencies and quality of life fixes to be made. I’ve made a list, and I’m going through it to fix up the problems.

Thanks for continuing to be a part of this project. Hopefully it won’t be too long before you have something to play/enjoy.