April 2023 Betrayed Alliance Update

After the release of the Demo for Book 2, Book 1 got a lot of attention and downloads. As so much had already been prepared for the update for Book 1, we’ve been putting a lot of attention on finishing the Stretch Goal of overhauling Book 1’s artwork and music. Here’s a look at some recent progress.


While Karl has been very busy with an exhibition of his impressive sculptures, he’s also been giving me a hand with an odd background here and there. Here is collection of a few of his most recent backgrounds:

In addition to Karl’s background efforts, I’ve also been working on updating a few backgrounds as well. Here’s a few overworld backgrounds that I’ve been working on lately:

With this, the number of backgrounds that still need makeover is in the single-digits!

Book 1 almost feels like a completely new game with all the new artwork.

Item Icons

Another thing I’ve been busy with recently has been updating all the item icons: Here are a few examples:

At this point I have redone most of the icons for items:

While a lot of work has been finished, there are still a handful of backgrounds to do, but more work than that will be the reprogramming and updating of some gameplay elements. But steady progress is being made.


Brandon is working on giving Book 1 the same treatment as Book 2 – that is, making sure the music and sound works for many available drivers. While Book 1 does have a mostly complete soundtrack, there are 8 or so songs that were “free-to-use” stock music that he plans on making new tracks for himself.