Book 1 Playtester Build is ready to play!

Hero Cave artwork by Karl Dupéré-Richer

  • Download for the playtester’s build of Betrayed Alliance Book 1

Hello everyone! I’m very pleased to announce that the artwork and programming update to Book 1 of Betrayed Alliance is *mostly* complete and that a playtesting build of Book 1 is now available to play.

The update to the musical score is still in the works, so the old audio (and the issues that come with it) are still there from the older release, but those will be finished in time.

I want to give a huge thank you to Karl Dupéré-Richer who did most of the background artwork for the new release. I am eager to share his artwork (and some of my own) with you in this updated version.

That being said, this is not quite the final product for the Stretch Goal to update book 1, so there are still a few things that may need polishing or redoing. But I’m very proud of the work and happy to share this with you.

  • Download for the playtester’s build of Betrayed Alliance Book 1