Betrayed Alliance: Book 1 Release-week Roundup

It’s been a week since Betrayed Alliance: Book 1 was released, open-source and for free. So how’s it going? Let’s find out!


A week into release and we’ve had just over 800 downloads! That’s a lot of people playing Betrayed Alliance, for which I am very thankful!

If you haven’t gotten your FREE download of the game yet, get it here!


While we don’t have any proper reviews (yet!), I have had people reaching out and saying things like,

Just finished playing it. Very very fun. Took me back to the EGA days of QFG1, which is still my favorite of that series. I cannot wait to play the next chapter.

Another person mentioned on the Sierra Gaming World Facebook group:

I know someone in this group was involved with the making of Betrayed Alliance and I just want to say thank you. I started playing it yesterday and really love it so far.

If you have any feedback for us (or bugs to report), join us on the Slattstudio Discord page

Speaking of reviews, if you purchased the physical game manual, please leave a short review! It only has ONE review so far, and those are rookie numbers!

Hint Guide & Walkthrough:

Yes, just like the old days, there is a physical game manual, but this one includes a hint guide and walkthrough in addition to a short story introduction to the game, some instructions about features, and artwork.

In case the PDF hint guide and walkthrough (included with the game files) isn’t quite enough for your needs, there is a video walkthrough you can watch courtesy of Streamer and YouTube guy, Jimni P:


Love what we’re doing and want to support? You have options!

Slattstudio is on Patreon which is a truly significant help in keeping a time-intensive hobby such as this sustainable. A huge and heartfelt “Thank You!!” to the wonderful and generous people who support me there!

You can also get some really cool items like the Game Night shirt and hoodie, a Slattstudio cap, or some stickers, all of which can be found at the Slattstudio Fourth Wall Page.

Finally, the Betrayed Alliance: Book 1 Player’s Guide and Game Manual from Amazon. (This is the link for North America. For other marketplaces, you might have to search “Betrayed Alliance” on Amazon.)

What’s Next?

We’re currently collecting bugs and fixing them for a patch we anticipate putting out sometime in June. If you encounter any bugs in the game, feel free to join the discord where you will find a “Betrayed Alliance Book 1 Bugs” channel you can post them to (and we’ll get around to squashing them).

With the update to Book 1 completed, it’s time to turn our attention back to Book 2. There is a playable demo for Book 2 currently available, but lots of work to be done for the final product. The timeline for completion for Book 2 isn’t near enough to prognosticate with any reliability.

Thank you for playing, supporting, and enjoying our work!

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