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Fiction Books

Are YOU adventurous?


An ancient creature lives in the earth.
All life is born from its dreaming…
All world-wide extinctions are caused by its waking…

At fourteen, Gage runs away from his overbearing parents to find what was most important to him—his freedom. He is recruited by the government to be a Delver, an adventurer tasked to unearth the advanced technologies of an earlier eon, now manifested to the world after massive earthquakes changed the face of the earth.

But he discovers that even away from home there are those who want to control him. When he uncovers the truth about the creature—it’s waking up!—it’s up to him to turn the tables on those who try to control him and save the world from the upcoming upheaval.

The danger is real!
Over 1,000 copies sold!

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Alone in the dark…

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Enter Odenwald forest.

Erik is a fifteen-year-old farm-hand slave to his abusive uncle. Kicked out of the house because of his night terrors, he and his little brother sleep in the barn with the pigs and chickens. Erik has made life tough for his brother, but he has a plan to rescue them both.

Their road is through Odenwald Forest. This forest, however, holds a dark secret. Thirteen children have disappeared in five years, never to be seen again. When Erik and his brother get separated, Erik must conquer his guilt and the monsters of the forest to get him back.

But if he fails to defeat these demons, will he become the fourteenth victim of the Stitcher?

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4 thoughts on “Merch

  1. Bill May 2, 2024 / 2:11 pm

    Best merch store ever! I love the new clothes and three books thats impresive. I think you should teach English/ Writing class.


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