Contact Me

Author Email:
Twitter: @slattstudio
Youtube: Slattstudio


Ryan J Slattery is the author of independent fantasy and sci-fi books, Upheaval and The Stitcher.

He’s currently working on a Fantasy Adventure game series called “Betrayed Alliance.”

He lives in Missouri with his wife and three children, where he teaches the Old Testament as a middle school Theology teacher. In his free time, he’s always open to new creative projects.

2 thoughts on “Contact Me

  1. Bob December 15, 2020 / 3:24 am

    You probably don’t remember having me as a student but I was just cleaning out my junk folder the other day because my email sends a ton of important stuff there when I found the update for betrayed alliance from a while ago so I downloaded it again and I keep playing it. Also I reread Upheaval last night because I forgot what it was about and suck at prioritizing and still 10/10 book.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ryan J Slattery December 16, 2020 / 2:20 am

      Do I remember Bob? Not sure! Without a last name, it’s a tough order.

      Thanks for downloading Betrayed Alliance and giving it another shot. It’s much improved to what it was. I’m really excited to make BA Book 2 superior in almost every regard, from artwork to storytelling to game design. Long way off, but I enjoy the creation process, so it’s fun for me.

      I’m glad you enjoyed Upheaval as well. Ever since that book, writing has been really hard and I had to take a break and work on other creative stuff. I look forward to when I’m mentally capable of writing that great pirate adventure I have swimming around my brain.

      Anyway, cheers for the comment and feel free to keep in touch. If you’re on Twitter, that’s probably where I’m most active.

      Liked by 1 person

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