RELEASE – Betrayed Alliance Book 1 – 1.3.2 Patch

The Patch is up! Get it here.

With 1,459 downloads, I’ve received a lot of feedback about Book 1 of Betrayed Alliance, and mostly I’m happy to say the game is fundamentally stable! But there were some intrepid folks who joined us on Discord and shared some curiosities and anomalies!

So why a patch so quickly?

The Kickstarter-funded update (v. 1.3.1) released just 3 weeks ago, so what did we find?

Just your typical spattering of game crashing scenarios, null textboxes, and priority drawing problems.

Not to mention more misspellings than a six year-old’s handmade birthday card:

So why a patch so quickly? Bottom line, I want people’s experience with the game to be as great as it can be, so the earlier the patch fixes a lot of the found issues, the better!

Important Notice about Save Files

Save games you made with version 1.3.1 will NOT work in 1.3.2. I’m sorry, there’s nothing I can do about this, it’s just the nature of how saves work in SCI. It might load and look like it works, but in the end, the game will crash when you run into any of the changes that were made.

Other notable changes:

  • The 1-puzzle point tied to the dart board minigame no longer requires a game win, just challenging the sailor at all.
  • The circuit-board puzzle now gives feedback to the player when they place certain pieces next to each other.
  • “Searching” has been added to certain places where looking inside or through things is likely.
  • Auto-guided stairs and hills can now be reversed if triggered on accident.

Itinerary of Long-Term Fixes

There are some fixes/additions that will take some time to do and we’ll shoot for those at a later update. These are more ambitious goals that we couldn’t get out the door in just a few weeks:

  • Optimizing the game for era hardware
  • Creating a better darts minigame from the ground up
  • Making keyboard-only gameplay possible
  • Adding support for all additional sound drivers

Soundtrack News!

Also, Brandon Blume has put out the MT-32 soundtrack for Betrayed Alliance on his website. Check it out!

Betrayed Alliance: Book 1 Update Patch Announcement for 5/23

Great news! BAB1 has been downloaded 1,260 times in the last two weeks! Better yet, not a single one of them have complained about game-breaking bugs!

If you haven’t gotten it yet, get it here!

That said, I’m announcing a small patch update to BAB1 for next Thursday, May 23. I’ll tell you what we found, and also what we’re looking at for bigger patches down the road.


Thanks to the awesome streamers Melluvsgames2, SpaceQuestHistorian, Jimni_P, TheAnimationVoice, we got to see firsthand encounters with a few bugs, inconsistencies, and misspellings.

Perhaps the most egregious inconsistency is a “look at chest” command which tells you with absolute certainty that the chest has no lock on it, and yet when you try to open it, you get box-blocked by a “It’s locked” message. Nope, it’s not that the game has an untrustworthy narrator, it’s just that I messed up!

The quick-travel map is also slightly bugged, but not in a way that matters for gameplay. Yes, it will always take you to the right place, so no worries there, but a small bug makes it so sometimes foreground images are drawn OVER the map.

Believe it or not, I’m one of the most typo-prone prose writers in the known world. When you add to this the fact that SCI Companion (the tool I used to make the game) has no onboard spell/grammar checker, and you’ll be left with a game riddled with typos. Some of them have been uncovered and fixed – but I’m sure more are lurking in the shadows!

One other “fix” we’ve made concerns the darts minigame. Due to the difficulty of the game’s controls, we’ve made a small change – you now get the puzzle point tied to the game not for winning, but just for challenging the sailor in the first place. While winning 3 times does give you some stats boosts, it is no longer necessary to win a game of darts for puzzle points.

Bigger Things Down the Road

We also have some bigger plans for updates later, one among them is a complete overhaul of the darts minigame, which has been a common complaint about the game.

BAB1 currently supports Adlib, Soundblaster, and MT32 sound drivers, but we plan on getting it up and running with Tandy, PC Speaker, General Midi, and all other sound drivers that used to be standard for games of this type.

As we continue with Books 2 and 3, it will become more important to allow players the option to export and import their character and stats from one Book to the next, similar to the Quest for Glory series.

Show Me What You Got!

The update is coming in just a week. Tell me what you found! Are there bugs, inconsistencies, and/or misspellings that I missed? Join our Betrayed Alliance Discord and let me know!

Betrayed Alliance: Book 1 Release-week Roundup

It’s been a week since Betrayed Alliance: Book 1 was released, open-source and for free. So how’s it going? Let’s find out!


A week into release and we’ve had just over 800 downloads! That’s a lot of people playing Betrayed Alliance, for which I am very thankful!

If you haven’t gotten your FREE download of the game yet, get it here!


While we don’t have any proper reviews (yet!), I have had people reaching out and saying things like,

Just finished playing it. Very very fun. Took me back to the EGA days of QFG1, which is still my favorite of that series. I cannot wait to play the next chapter.

Another person mentioned on the Sierra Gaming World Facebook group:

I know someone in this group was involved with the making of Betrayed Alliance and I just want to say thank you. I started playing it yesterday and really love it so far.

If you have any feedback for us (or bugs to report), join us on the Slattstudio Discord page

Speaking of reviews, if you purchased the physical game manual, please leave a short review! It only has ONE review so far, and those are rookie numbers!

Hint Guide & Walkthrough:

Yes, just like the old days, there is a physical game manual, but this one includes a hint guide and walkthrough in addition to a short story introduction to the game, some instructions about features, and artwork.

In case the PDF hint guide and walkthrough (included with the game files) isn’t quite enough for your needs, there is a video walkthrough you can watch courtesy of Streamer and YouTube guy, Jimni P:


Love what we’re doing and want to support? You have options!

Slattstudio is on Patreon which is a truly significant help in keeping a time-intensive hobby such as this sustainable. A huge and heartfelt “Thank You!!” to the wonderful and generous people who support me there!

You can also get some really cool items like the Game Night shirt and hoodie, a Slattstudio cap, or some stickers, all of which can be found at the Slattstudio Fourth Wall Page.

Finally, the Betrayed Alliance: Book 1 Player’s Guide and Game Manual from Amazon. (This is the link for North America. For other marketplaces, you might have to search “Betrayed Alliance” on Amazon.)

What’s Next?

We’re currently collecting bugs and fixing them for a patch we anticipate putting out sometime in June. If you encounter any bugs in the game, feel free to join the discord where you will find a “Betrayed Alliance Book 1 Bugs” channel you can post them to (and we’ll get around to squashing them).

With the update to Book 1 completed, it’s time to turn our attention back to Book 2. There is a playable demo for Book 2 currently available, but lots of work to be done for the final product. The timeline for completion for Book 2 isn’t near enough to prognosticate with any reliability.

Thank you for playing, supporting, and enjoying our work!

Betrayed Alliance Book 1 – OUT NOW – FREE!

Are you ready to experience the first part in a trilogy of EGA adventure? Well, it’s ready for you, too! The game is free to download and play, so get it here and have fun!

When you get a chance, follow me and the two Canadian creatives that helped make this game, Karl Dupéré-Richer, and Brandon Blume. Shower them with praise, then, if there are problems, send your angry messages my way or join the discord!

Cool Stuff and Support

The game is free, but if you want to say thanks with more than words, you can support the game and get yourself some cool stuff, too!

Player’s Guide and Game Manual

Shirts, Hoodies, and more

If you’d like to support the continual work on the Betrayed Alliance, become a patron on Patreon

Betrayed Alliance Updates


Welcome to the southern realm of the Kingdom of Shelah as depicted by Karl Dupere-Richer, who reworked many of the backgrounds for this game and illustrated this map of the playable overworld area.

Karl also took the difficult step of translating this map into pixels to be used for the in-game map as well.

As for me, I’ve been working on getting this map up and running in the game so that you can actually use it, which is now possible and looks much better than how it used to:

Hint Guides and Walkthroughs

In the past I had been asked to put together a walkthrough for Betrayed Alliance, which I had done a long time ago. But with this update I wanted to take an extra step and not only redo the walkthrough (as a number of things had changed), but also put together a hint guide for those who didn’t necessarily want the answer, but welcomed an additional nudge in the right direction.

So I put together this document which took quite a lot more time than I had imagined! It includes pictures for easier navigation, guided hints, and then straight-up answers. With the pictures (and a decent amount of white space) it ended up being about 40 pages long with 6,600 words. Not a bad little document! And am I very glad it is “done,” although I haven’t proofed it yet.

Odds and Ends

While the playtesting build for Book 1 has been out in the wild, I haven’t gotten a lot of unsolicited feedback, so I will need to be a bit more direct and actually ask people to help personally (crazy thought I know!). The good thing about that is that I’ve been doing small updates in the shadows anyway. A couple of updates are the battle system artwork, UI, and coding, and the Rotating Tower scene needing a visual update:

I needed to make the player character taller to start as the proportions always felt “off” to me. Because of this I also needed to redraw the other character’s battle sprites (minus the troll here!)

I had thought about using the same battle system artwork and animation I had used for Book 2, but I think this will end up working better for the type of battle system in Book 1 where the mechanics are not the same as they are in Book 2.

I also did some work on the Rotating Tower, mostly ornamental work to the borders, but also some color changes that I think make the mood fit a bit better:

So that’s about it for the what’s been going on lately. There’s a whole lot of boring small fixes and bugs that I had to fix, but they’re not so interesting to show all the time.

Working on the game has been a slow process, especially with the ongoing ordeal that has taken my time away since January, having to do with a flooding basement. But we are now finally nearing the end of that as I’ve gotten the floors recarpeted, walls are almost finished repainting, and it won’t be long before we can move the furniture and regain a bit of breathing space in our cramped home. But I won’t complain too much; things could be much worse than that! I still have some time to work on Betrayed Alliance and that gives me a bit of respite!

End of Summer 2022 Update

Hello everyone! While summer goes until later September, my “summer break” is at its end. I’m teaching a new course this year, so I’ve been spending a lot of time preparing the course materials for that. I’ve also been at work on Betrayed Alliance!

Fun in the sun time is coming to an end

What’s Happening?

Moving towards the end of the year I’m trying to get the first part of the game up and running – all assets, coding, and puzzles.

It’s getting there, but over the summer I ran into a few programming hiccups. Being a self-taught amateur programmer, it took me a bit of time (and a lot of help) to get things sorted, and fortunately they are now all solved:

  • I added a “count” property for some inventory items that you can have multiples of. Sounds easy enough and it technically was. The problem came up when displaying the information about the item. I would usually draw that from a text resource using a number variable, which saves memory. But I cannot do that when the description has a variable in it, so I had to sort out how to print some and not others from text resources, but it’s all now working as it should. 
  • The death counter in the game is a unique challenge because restoring in this program restores everything to the state “as it was” and I could change all the variables in the world, but the restore would reset them. So I have to write those to an external file. That was a challenge enough as I’ve never done that before, but the problem I ran into was that everything was breaking and I wasn’t sure where the crazy numbers were coming from. After many wasted hours and some troubleshooting with more astute coders, I realized that I was a victim of my own bad coding practices. Because I was too casual with naming a variable, I ended up using the same variable for 2 different purposes, which was why the numbers were getting bizarre. The death tracker is now working as it should.
  • At some point I also experienced that my “teleport” script wasn’t working correctly anymore. I use this script to change between the two main characters when they are in different rooms. I use this script to “remember” the room locations, x and y coordinates, and proper transferal of items so that they each have their own inventory, etc. The problem was the x and y coordinates weren’t working. Hours and hours I spent trying to track down the cause. At some point I realized that when the player was playing the ”male” character, it never changed that variable, so their x and y positions were never properly being updated. But, I’m happy to say this is now up and running as it should too.
  • Looking at inventory items by typing “look” item. Sounds easy, but I had one helluva time getting this to work without adding a hefty amount of code (which I’m really not allowed to do with the memory limitations I’m working under). But I did solve it for most items. I am still troubleshooting the issue of having two “keys” and when you say “look at key” It’s not clear which one is to be shown. So I might take the “easy” way out and remake one of the keys into a different kind of object that will essentially do the same thing, but by a different name.
  • I also introduced “right-click-search” in addition to “right-click-look.” This feature is toggleable in the settings, but will allow the player to “search” a thing if they are standing close to it just by clicking on it. For some people that will make things “too easy,” which is why I made it so people could turn it off. But that is another feature I’ve been working on.

I’m feeling quite good now that all of these technical issues are resolved, which lets me focus more on the implementation of room-specific coding and puzzle implementation.

What Else Have I Been Up To?

  • There are about 400 lines of written text now in the game, but a lot more is needed. These will be responses to parser commands as well as “right-click-looking”
  • More animations are making their way into the game logic
  • Puzzles in the opening area are now generally up-and-running, but needing polishing and troubleshooting.
  • The final big accomplishment I’d like to boast is the story for the game is complete. I wanted to get that completely sorted to remove any vagueness left that would impact important decisions about puzzles, areas, and maps.
  • Once the story was nailed down, I could also finalize the map. I’m not ready to show that off yet mostly because it’s still fairly rough. But the concept for that is now complete.

Here’s my best estimates of completion:

  • Backgrounds: 70% complete
  • Animations: 30% complete
  • Programming: 85% complete in terms of systems, 10% complete individual rooms
  • Story: 100% concept/structure, 50% details
  • Puzzles: 10% implemented

So, there’s a lot of work ahead of me, clearly. I’ll keep plodding ahead, one day at a time. And I really hope to have something in the way of a playable demo by year’s end…but man I am bad at forecasting that kind of thing, and should probably just stop.

Betrayed Alliance 1 Updated Visuals:

Karl Dupere-Richer has been working on artwork for Amazing Fix for a few months, but has found some time recently to help with some backgrounds for Betrayed Alliance Book 1:

Tavern Upstairs
Tavern Main Floor
Wizard’s Room

As these assets come in, I work with them to make sure their priority and control colors are working properly. Some of them will require a programming overhaul as well since there will be new things to “look” at and sometimes bigger changes (like ascending and descending the stairs in the tavern which no longer requires a ladder)

Thanks for all the support! Hope to hear from your soon!