RELEASE – Betrayed Alliance Book 1 – 1.3.2 Patch

The Patch is up! Get it here.

With 1,459 downloads, I’ve received a lot of feedback about Book 1 of Betrayed Alliance, and mostly I’m happy to say the game is fundamentally stable! But there were some intrepid folks who joined us on Discord and shared some curiosities and anomalies!

So why a patch so quickly?

The Kickstarter-funded update (v. 1.3.1) released just 3 weeks ago, so what did we find?

Just your typical spattering of game crashing scenarios, null textboxes, and priority drawing problems.

Not to mention more misspellings than a six year-old’s handmade birthday card:

So why a patch so quickly? Bottom line, I want people’s experience with the game to be as great as it can be, so the earlier the patch fixes a lot of the found issues, the better!

Important Notice about Save Files

Save games you made with version 1.3.1 will NOT work in 1.3.2. I’m sorry, there’s nothing I can do about this, it’s just the nature of how saves work in SCI. It might load and look like it works, but in the end, the game will crash when you run into any of the changes that were made.

Other notable changes:

  • The 1-puzzle point tied to the dart board minigame no longer requires a game win, just challenging the sailor at all.
  • The circuit-board puzzle now gives feedback to the player when they place certain pieces next to each other.
  • “Searching” has been added to certain places where looking inside or through things is likely.
  • Auto-guided stairs and hills can now be reversed if triggered on accident.

Itinerary of Long-Term Fixes

There are some fixes/additions that will take some time to do and we’ll shoot for those at a later update. These are more ambitious goals that we couldn’t get out the door in just a few weeks:

  • Optimizing the game for era hardware
  • Creating a better darts minigame from the ground up
  • Making keyboard-only gameplay possible
  • Adding support for all additional sound drivers

Soundtrack News!

Also, Brandon Blume has put out the MT-32 soundtrack for Betrayed Alliance on his website. Check it out!

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